Beamer 3 1 1

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  3. Beamer 3 1 1 0

Beamer is a powerful and flexible LaTeX class to create great looking presentations. This article outlines the basis steps to making a Beamer slideshow: creating the title page, adding a logo, highlighting important points, making a table of contents and adding effects to the slideshow.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5. Author: Josh Cassidy (August 2013) This five-part series of articles uses a combination of video and textual descriptions to teach the basics of creating a presentation using the LaTeX beamer package. These tutorials were first published on the original ShareLateX blog site during August 2013. The Beamer 3 is a classic that's been keeping cyclists visible for 20 years. This affordable headlight delivers excellent run time and ample light so other cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers will always know where you are no matter how dark it gets. SKU 3029 FL1 tested run-times.

  • 2Beamer main features
  • 4Customizing your presentation


A minimal working example of a simple beamer presentation is presented below.

After compilation, a two-page PDF file will be produced. The first page is the titlepage, and the second one contains sample content.

The first statement in the document declares this is a Beamer slideshow: documentclass{beamer}

The first command after the preamble, frame{titlepage}, generates the title page. This page may contain information about the author, institution, event, logo, and so on. See the title page section for a more complete example.

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The frame environment creates the second slide, the self-descriptive command frametitle{Sample frame title} is optional.

It is worth noting that in beamer the basic container is a frame. A frame is not exactly equivalent to a slide, one frame may contain more than one slides. For example, a frame with several bullet points can be set up to produce a new slide to reveal each consecutive bullet point.

Beamer main features

The Beamer class offers some useful features to bring your presentation to life and make it more attractive. The most important ones are listed below.

The title page

There are some more options for the title page than the ones presented in the introduction. The next example is a complete one, most of the commands are optional.

The distribution of each element in the title page depends on the theme, see the Themes subsection for more information. Here is a description of each command:

title[About Beamer] {About the Beamer class..}
This is important, the title of your presentation must be inside braces. You can set an optional shorter title in the square brackets: in the example, this is About Beamer.
Subtitle for you presentation. This can be omitted if unnecessary.
author[Author, Doe]{A.~B.~Arthurinst{1} and J.~Doeinst{2}}
First, a short version of the authors' names, comma separated, can be added inside square brackets. This is optional, if omitted the full name is displayed (at the bottom of the title page in the example). Then, inside braces, are the full names of the authors, separated by an and command. There's also a inst{1} command that puts a superscript to reference the institution where each author works; it's optional and can be omitted if there is only one author or the listed authors work at the same institution.
In the argument of this command, you can declare the institute each author belongs to. The parameter inside brackets, the acronym of the institute/university, is optional. Then the name of the institute is added inside braces; if there's more than one institute they must be separated with an and command. The institute command is optional, but it is required for the superscripts inserted by the inst commands in the previous code.
date[VLC 2014]{Very Large Conference, 2014}
In this declaration, you can set the name and date of the event where you are going to present your slides. The parameter inside brackets is an optional shorter name, in this example is displayed at the bottom of the title page.
This adds a logo to be displayed. In this theme, the logo is set at the lower right corner. You can use text, or include an image.

Creating a table of contents

Usually when you have a long presentation, it's convenient to divide it into sections or even subsections. In this case, you can add a table of contents at the beginning of the document. Here is an example:

As you see, is simple. Inside the frame environment you set the title and add the command titlepage.

It's also possible to put the table of contents at the beginning of each section and highlight the title of the current section. Just add the code below to the preamble of your LaTeX document:

If you use AtBeginSubsection[] instead of AtBeginSection[], the table of contents will appear at the beginning of each subsection.

Adding effects to a presentation

In the introduction, we saw a simple slide using the begin{frame} end{frame} delimiters. It was mentioned that a frame is not equivalent to a slide, and the next example will illustrate why, by adding some effects to the slideshow.

In the final PDF file this code will generate 4 slides. This is intended to provide a visual effect in the presentation.

In the code there's a list, declared by the begin{itemize} end{itemize} commands, and next to each item is a number enclosed in two special characters: < >. This will determine in which slide the element will appear, if you append a - at the end of the number, the item will be shown in that and the subsequent slides of the current frame, otherwise it will appear only in that slide. Check the animation for a better understanding of this.

These effects can be applied to any type of text, not only to the itemize environment. There's a second command whose behaviour is similar, but it's simpler since you don't have to specify the slides where the text will be unveiled.

This code will generate three slides to add a visual effect to the presentation. pause will prevent the text below this point and above the next pause declaration to appear in the current slide.

Highlighting important sentences/words

In a presentation is a good practice to highlight the important points to make it easier for your audience to identify the main topic.

If you want to highlight a word or a phrase within a paragraph, the command alert{} will change the style of the word inside the braces. The way the enclosed text will look depends on the theme you are using.

To highlight a paragraph with concepts, definitions, theorems or examples, the best option is to put it inside a box. There are three types of box, and it's up to you to decide which one better fits in your presentation:

begin{block}{Remark} end{block}
A block box will wrap the text in a box with the same style as the rest of the presentation. The text inside the braces after the begin{block} code is the title of the box.
begin{alertblock}{Important theorem} end{alertblock}
The same as block but the style contrasts the one used by the presentation.
begin{examples} end{examples}
Again, is very similar to block, the box has a different style but less contrasting than alertblock.

Customizing your presentation

There are some aspects of a Beamer presentation that can be easily customized. For instance, you can set different themes, colours and change the default text layout into a two-column format.

Themes and colorthemes

It's really easy to use a different theme in your slideshow. For example, the Madrid theme (most of the slideshows in this article use this theme) is set by adding the following command to the preamble:

Overland 1 0. usetheme{Madrid}

Below are two more examples:

Berkeley beamer theme
Copenhagen beamer theme

The themes can be combined with a colortheme. This changes the colour used for different elements.

You must put the usecolortheme statement below the usetheme command.

For various options, check out the table of screenshots of different themes and colorthemes in the Reference guide below.


You can change several parameters about the fonts. Here we will mention how to resize them and change the type of font used.

The font size can be passed as a parameter to the beamer class at the beginning of the document preamble. Below is an example of how a 17 font size looks like.

Available font sizes are 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt. Default font size is 11pt (which corresponds to 22pt at the full screen mode).

To change the font types in your beamer presentation there are two ways, either you use a font theme or import directly a font from your system. Let's begin with a font theme:

The usefonttheme{} is self-descriptive. The available themes are: structurebold, structurebolditalic, structuresmallcapsserif, structureitalicsserif, serif and default.

You can also import font families installed in your system.

The command usepackage{bookman} imports the bookman family font to be used in the presentation. The available fonts depend on your LaTeX installation, the most common are: mathptmx, helvet, avat, bookman, chancery, charter, culer, mathtime, mathptm, newcent, palatino, pifont and utopia.


Sometimes the information in a presentation looks better in a two-column format. In such cases use the columns environment:

After the frame and frametitle declarations start a new columns environment delimited by the begin{columns} end{columns}. You can declare each column's width with the column{0.5textwidth} code, a lower number will shrink the width size.

Reference guide

Below is a table with screenshots of the title page and a normal slide in Beamer using different combinations of themes (rows) and colorthemes (columns). To have a complete list of themes and colorthemes see the further reading section for references.


Further reading

For more information, see the full package documentation here. The following resources may also be useful:

Overleaf guides

LaTeX Basics


Figures and tables

References and Citations


Document structure





Field specific

Class files

Advanced TeX/LaTeX

Maximum safety since 1995

In 1995 the Beamer opened a new chapter in the history of paraglider reserve parachutes. Our Rogallo concept changed the scene for ever, and the Beamer 1 still waits, ready for action, in many harnesses. In 2010 the Beamer 2 set another benchmark for steerable reserves. Its proven concept, new features and improved qualities convincingly established the Beamer 2 in the market. The Beamer 3 builds on the best features of the Beamer 2. A completely redeveloped Beamer 3 riser system improves opening, operation and installation – the success story continues!

The top four Beamer 3 characteristics

Fast opening

Opening time is the most important reserve criterion. If a reserve has to be thrown at low altitude – and that is often the case – a single second can make all the difference. The Beamer 3's special shape and particular folding technique help it open up to 50% faster than normal round canopies; the Beamer 3 is setting EN Test records.

Low sink speed

Assuming a reserve is open with its paraglider in a stable situation the next most important thing is sink speed. Low wing loading and modest forward speed give the Beamer 3 an unrivalled low sink rate. The EN certification authority has confirmed a sink rate of 3.9 m/s at maximum weight of 130 kg (without the paraglider). The additional braking effect of a paraglider reduces this value to less than 3m/s.

#170 Owner's Manual (PDF)
Betriebsanleitung (PDF)
Owner's Manual (PDF)
Manuel Utilisateur (PDF)
Manual (PDF)
Stable flight

When developing a Rogallo our main focus is how it works with the paraglider. After reserve opening the paraglider can stay attached (the usual emergency situation – no quick release/cutaway). Here the Beamer 3 really plays its trump card, and is far superior to the smaller models on the market in this respect. After a fast opening the Beamer 3 quickly takes control. It goes into very slow forward flight and therefore does not encourage the paraglider to disturb it. The Beamer 3 achieves Its stability, among other things, by its low wing loading.

As a special feature we elected to further develop the braked opening configuration for the Rogallo – successfully applied to the Beamer 2. This results in even less forward speed and provides what most pilots need – the advantages of a round canopy's vertical flightpath, plus those of a steerable forwards-flying Rogallo. For example, if the Beamer opens alongside a rock face, or in strong wind, its initial descent will be almost vertical. Then, after its steering lines have been activated, the Rogallo's forward speed can be used. If the pilot has enough height he can then steer the Beamer 3 away from danger (e.g. rocks, water, buildings etc.).
The braked opening configuration automatically includes another important effect: what is known as ‘downplaning' is effectively prevented. This scissoring problem happens when paraglider and reserve (round canopies too) both develop forward speed while pulling against each other, and both head straight downwards. This raises the sink speed markedly, and the risk of injury dramatically. The Beamer 3's pre-braking and its large area oppose this: the braked Rogallo surface refuses to be accelerated in this way.

Steering and flying forwards – the Beamer's speciality!

Paraglider under tow: In real-life reserve-throwing situations the paraglider can become a massive problem. In many cases the paraglider is already collapsed, both during and after reserve opening, and therefore prevented from flying. Here the Beamer 3 descent is a pure pleasure. The canopy reacts immediately to steering commands and sinks at its slowest rate. When the reserve is thrown while the paraglider is flying normally, such as during SIV training, the descent characteristics of both Rogallo and round reserve can be affected. If the paraglider reopens itself during a reserve descent it can easily be prevented from flying by B-stall, or reefing in. This will greatly improve steerability. Countless examples in practice confirm the problem-free behaviour of all Beamers in every possible situation.

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Paraglider tangled up in the Rogallo lines: Here pilots with a cutaway system can fully appreciate the Beamer 3's qualities. Glide performance doubles – with slightly increased sink speed. Cutaway carabiners mainly make sense in competition flying (more risk of collision) or for acro. A suitable seatbelt cutter, secured on a long bungee, would do the same job in an emergency.

Questions and answers

Here are the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

Will the Beamer fit in any harness or front container?
Can I do safety training over water with the Beamer 3?
Do I have to cut away my paraglider when I throw the reserve?
What does the Beamer do after opening if the pilot does nothing?
Can I steer my Rogallo reserve without cutting away?
Was happens if the paraglider tangles with the reserve?
Can I use the Beamer 3 at a flying weight of only 70 kg?
Can the Beamer still be steered with twisted risers?

Pilot comments…

Beamer 3 1 1/2

Here is a small compilation of countless feedbacks
Max load90 (100)* kg130 kg170 kg90 (100)* kg130 kg170 kg
Flat area35.47 m241.75 m258 m235.47 m241.75 m258 m2
Weight1590 g1785 g2660 g1180 g1370 g2200 g
Weight with POD1640 g1835 g2705 g1230 g1420 g2240 g
Riser extension kit for front
mount connection, pair
20 g20 g20 g20 g20 g20 g
Sink rate
(EN Test)
—-loaded with 100kg
—-loaded with 130kg
—-loaded with 170kg

3.7 m/sec

3.8 m/sec

3.6 m/sec

3.7 m/sec

3.8 m/sec

3.6 m/sec
Opening time (EN Test)2 sec2 sec2 sec2 sec2 sec2 sec
Packing volume4432 ccm4959 ccm7310 ccm3324 ccm3837 ccm6054 ccm
Number of panels161818161818
Number of middle lines8×29×210×28×29×210×2
Type CertificateEP/RG 102.2013EP/RG 073.2013EP 280.2019EP/RG 104.2013EP/RG 101.2013EP 281.2019
Applied test guideline/standardsEN 12491:2001 / 2.DV
LuftGerPV §1, Nr.7c
EN 12491:2001 / 2.DV
LuftGerPV §1, Nr.7c
EN 12491:2001 / 2.DV
LuftGerPV §1, Nr.7c
EN 12491:2001 / 2.DV
LuftGerPV §1, Nr.7c
EN 12491:2001 / 2.DV
LuftGerPV §1, Nr.7c
EN 12491:2001 / 2.DV
LuftGerPV §1, Nr.7c

(*) Extended Weight Range

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Although the EN/LTF flight tests showed a 3,7 m/sec descent rate at 100 Kg, our own experience also tells us that highly loaded Rogallos, like conventional reserve parachutes, can lead to mirror flying or down-planing when combined with the paraglider. This mainly happens with very stable and collapse resistant school gliders, or in very steady throwing conditions such as training openings over water. The EN/LTF practical tests are always carried out in separated configuration – without the troublesome paraglider. When developing our Rogallo reserve parachutes we focus a lot of attention on the overall functioning spectrum, above all in connected condition (when the paraglider is not cut away).

Despite the positive flight tests at more than 100kg we recommend that the extended weight range is only for use by experienced 'Rogallo pilots', or in conjunction with a reliable cut-away system.

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